Deep Thought

"A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done"
- Cardinal Newman

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Let me be your song

Let me be your song
which you sing to the stars
when you are alone at night
or walking during day time

Let me be your song
Which you can sing to the birds
which at my window, once chirped
they left my paradise for your heaven

Let me be your song
which can open up your doors
of opportunities and love abound

Let me be your song
which you will hum to yourself
in monotonous tone when
you are amongst your friends

Let me be your song
which you can sing to the nature
when it soaks you in monsoon
or sweats you in summers

Let me be your song
which can be played when you
wait for your loved one
on your wedding day at the church

Let me be your song
your voice will give it beauty
Removing all your pains
Magical, Your life remains

Let me be your song, dear love
which you can lull to your kids
somewhere in future
Even when am dead

Let me be your song
which you can change the rhythm of
but the words will always remain the same

And I hope this is written on my tombstone that;
I was sung by the best soul all throughout his life
With each verse you gave me blessings
Making our each memory engrave on the aurora sky

Picture Courtesy- Hardik Photgraphy


  1. I turn around to face you,
    hoping that it might seem,
    that my face is the first you see,
    when you awaken from your

    1. were these your favorite lines? :) am really glad you liked it. Thank you for commenting.
